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How much is a house in Angola

30 de novembro de 2022

Angola is a beautiful sub-Saharan African country known by its natural resources, ranking as the number 1 oil producer country in Africa (Prime Business, 2022). The country has 18 provinces that make a total population of 35 million people (Worldmeter 2020). Since 2002, Angola has been recovering its resources from the civil war, leading therefore to a positive shift in the country's economy. Now, how much is a house in Angola?

The Angolan government has worked towards re-building the country's infrastructure, including the implementation of habitational programs, such as Centralidades and Condomínios (Jornal de Angola, 2021), allowing its population to buy houses at fair prices.

Although the country has emerged from war and implemented its habitational programs, there is still a question of how much is a house in Angola.

This article is composed of three parts: prices of houses in different regions, the greatest neighbourhoods to buy a house, with great emphasis on the capital city, and how much is a house in Angola.

What are the prices to buy a house between regions

The prices are stipulated according to the locations (provinces), where the listing is situated (condominium, Centralidade or ordinary areas), and the typology (apartment or villa) of the listings (especially if it has furniture).

In Benguela for instance, a V3 villa in Restinga can be sold at 200 million kzs (fully furnished with a swimming pool). In Huila on the other hand, a V3 is at 135 million kzs, while in Huambo (mostly old fashion houses) only cost around 50 million kzs. Now, in Luanda (the capital city), the price for a V3 starts from 500 million kzs.

The difference between the prices stipulated in Luanda against the other provinces is high,leading Luanda to be the most expensive city to buy a house. This is because, Luanda is the city where most of the economic activities are run. 

What are the greatest neighborhoods to buy a house in Angola

The greatest regions to buy a house in Angola are in Benguela, meanly in Lobito, Restinga, Baia Azul, and Luanda, mainly in urban areas like Talatona, Belas, and Kilamba Kiaxi. This is because, these are privileged locations, offering more security to the residents, and easy access to different places for other activities.

For instance, in Luanda the prices range from 80 million kzs to 1 billion kzs in Talatona (to buy a house); while to rent a house, the prices range from 500 thousand kzs to 3 million kzs. Now, how much is a house in Angola?

How much is a house in Angola

In general, houses are more likely to be expensive in Luanda than in the other provinces of Angola. It is expected to find houses (villa) at a cost between 80 million kzs to 1 billion kzs in Luanda, against 50 million to 600 million in the other provinces.

For apartments, the prices are cheaper than it is for villas; the prices are between 17 million kzs to 300 million kzs in Luanda, whilst in the other provinces, it ranges from 15 million kzs to 200 million kzs.

For more details about the price range of the habitation in Luanda, you can check our Luanda Real Estate Report.

In conclusion, this article has provided detailed information about how much is a house in Angola, with main focus in the comparison between Luanda and the other Angolan provinces.

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